Feb 22, 2010
Create10: the conference for innovative interaction design
Create10: the conference for innovative interaction design
30th June - 2nd July 2010
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh UK
12:03 Posted in Positive Technology events | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: interaction design, positive technology events
Feb 19, 2010
Evoke: Positive Game presented at TED 2010
In this video from the TED conference 2010, game designer Jane McGonigal explains the prosocial potential for video and online games.
An interesting example of the increasing role played by Positive Psychology in interactive design and development.
12:11 Posted in Serious games | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: positive technology, serious games, prosocial, positive psychology
Feb 13, 2010
Testing the continuum of delusional beliefs: An experimental study using virtual reality
Testing the continuum of delusional beliefs: An experimental study using virtual reality.
J Abnorm Psychol. 2010 Feb;119(1):83-92
Authors: Freeman D, Pugh K, Vorontsova N, Antley A, Slater M
A key problem in studying a hypothesized spectrum of severity of delusional ideation is determining that ideas are unfounded. The first objective was to use virtual reality to validate groups of individuals with low, moderate, and high levels of unfounded persecutory ideation. The second objective was to investigate, drawing upon a cognitive model of persecutory delusions, whether clinical and nonclinical paranoia are associated with similar causal factors. Three groups (low paranoia, high nonclinical paranoia, persecutory delusions) of 30 participants were recruited. Levels of paranoia were tested using virtual reality. The groups were compared on assessments of anxiety, worry, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anomalous perceptual experiences, reasoning, and history of traumatic events. Virtual reality was found to cause no side effects. Persecutory ideation in virtual reality significantly differed across the groups. For the clear majority of the theoretical factors there were dose-response relationships with levels of paranoia. This is consistent with the idea of a spectrum of paranoia in the general population. Persecutory ideation is clearly present outside of clinical groups and there is consistency across the paranoia spectrum in associations with important theoretical variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved).
13:53 Posted in Virtual worlds | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: virtual reality, delusional beliefs, abnormal psychology
The Limits of Agency in Walking Humans
The Limits of Agency in Walking Humans.
Neuropsychologia. 2010 Feb 6;
Authors: Kannape OA, Schwabe L, Tadi T, Blanke O
An important principle of human ethics is that individuals are not responsible for actions performed when unconscious. Recent research found that the generation of an action and the building of a conscious experience of that action (agency) are distinct processes and crucial mechanisms for self-consciousness. Yet, previous agency studies have focussed on actions of a finger or hand. Here, we investigate how agents consciously monitor actions of the entire body in space during locomotion. This was motivated by previous work revealing that (1) a fundamental aspect of self-consciousness concerns a single and coherent representation of the entire spatially situated body and (2) clinical instances of human behaviour without consciousness occur in rare neurological conditions such as sleepwalking or epileptic nocturnal wandering. Merging techniques from virtual reality, full-body tracking, and cognitive science of conscious action monitoring, we report experimental data about consciousness during locomotion in healthy participants. We find that agents consciously monitor the location of their entire body and its locomotion only with low precision and report that while precision remains low it can be systematically modulated in several experimental conditions. This shows that conscious action monitoring in locomoting agents can be studied in a fine-grained manner. We argue that the study of the mechanisms of agency for a person's full body may help to refine our scientific criteria of selfhood and discuss sleepwalking and related conditions as alterations in neural systems encoding motor awareness in walking humans.
13:50 Posted in Research tools | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: agency, ethics, walking, action, neuropsychology
Feb 04, 2010
Yet another nice video about AR
Yet another nice video about AR
15:28 Posted in Augmented/mixed reality | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: augmented reality, spatial computing
Augmented (hyper)Reality
Via Leandeer
This great video by Keiichi Matsuda shows how augmented reality "may recontextualise the functions of consumerism and architecture, and change in the way in which we operate within it". The scenario is also interesting because it suggests how AR may be (ab)used by commercial companies. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine how AR could go mainstream without them... of course any suggestion is welcome.
Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.
15:20 Posted in Augmented/mixed reality | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: augmented reality, hyperreality
MedlinePlus Now Available for Mobile Phones
From the press release:
The National Library of Medicine's Mobile Medline Plus builds on the NLM's MedlinePlus Internet service, which provides authoritative consumer health information to over 10 million visitors per month. These visitors access MedlinePlus (http://medlineplus.gov) from throughout the United States as well many other countries, and use desktop computers, laptops and even mobile devices to get there.
Mobile MedlinePlus is available in English and Spanish (http://m.medlineplus.gov/spanish) and includes a subset of content from the full Web site. It includes summaries for over 800 diseases, wellness topics, the latest health news, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, and information on prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Mobile MedlinePlus can also help you when you're trying to choose an over-the-counter cold medicine at the drug store.
And if you're traveling abroad, you can use Mobile MedlinePlus to learn about safe drinking water.
15:07 Posted in Research tools | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: medline, mobile
The exploration of meditation in the neuroscience of attention and consciousness
The exploration of meditation in the neuroscience of attention and consciousness.
Cogn Process. 2009 Dec 30;
Authors: Raffone A, Srinivasan N
Many recent behavioral and neuroscientific studies have revealed the importance of investigating meditation states and traits to achieve an increased understanding of cognitive and affective neuroplasticity, attention and self-awareness, as well as for their increasingly recognized clinical relevance. The investigation of states and traits related to meditation has especially pronounced implications for the neuroscience of attention, consciousness, self-awareness, empathy and theory of mind. In this article we present the main features of meditation-based mental training and characterize the current scientific approach to meditation states and traits with special reference to attention and consciousness, in light of the articles contributed to this issue.
15:03 Posted in Meditation & brain | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: meditation, consciousness, neuroscience, brain
BiDi Screen, 3D gesture interaction in thin screen device
Via Chris Jablonski's blog
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a working prototype of a bidirectional LCD (captures and displays images) that allows a viewer to control on-screen objects without the need for any peripheral controllers or even touching the screen. In near Minority Report fashion, interaction is possible with just a wave of the hand.
The BiDi is inspired by emerging LCDs that use embedded optical sensors to detect multiple points of contact and exploits the spatial light modulation capability of LCDs to allow lensless imaging without interfering with display functionality. According to MIT researchers, this technology can lead to a wide range of applications, such as in-air gesture control of everything from CE devices like mobile phones to flat-panel TVs.
BiDi Screen, 3D gesture interaction in thin screen device from Matt Hirsch on Vimeo.
13:03 Posted in Future interfaces | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: future interfaces, lcd, multitouch
Hybrid nanoparticle-organic transistor mimics a synapse
Via MilTech
Nanotechnology researchers in France have developed a hybrid transistor called NOMFET (Nanoparticle Organic Memory Field-Effect Transistor) that shows the main behavior of a biological spiking synapse and can lead to a new generation of neuro-inspired computers, capable of responding in a manner similar to the nervous system. The organic device is made of a molecule called pentacene (an organic semiconductor) and gold nano-particles.
“Basically, we have demonstrated that electric charges flowing through a mixture of an organic semiconductor and metallic nanoparticles can behave the same way as neurotransmitters through a synaptic connection in the brain,” Dominique Vuillaume, a research director at CNRS and head of the Molecular Nanostructures & Devices group at the Institute for Electronics Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) tells Nanowerk.
The study is published in the 22 January 2010 issue of the journal Advanced Functional Materials, and can be accessed on Scribd.

Credit: Mil-Tech.com
12:56 Posted in Neurotechnology & neuroinformatics | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: neurotechnology, neuroinformatics, brain simulation, nanoparticle transistor
Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network
Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network.
Nature. 2010 Jan 20;
Authors: Doeller CF, Barry C, Burgess N
Grid cells in the entorhinal cortex of freely moving rats provide a strikingly periodic representation of self-location which is indicative of very specific computational mechanisms. However, the existence of grid cells in humans and their distribution throughout the brain are unknown. Here we show that the preferred firing directions of directionally modulated grid cells in rat entorhinal cortex are aligned with the grids, and that the spatial organization of grid-cell firing is more strongly apparent at faster than slower running speeds. Because the grids are also aligned with each other, we predicted a macroscopic signal visible to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans. We then looked for this signal as participants explored a virtual reality environment, mimicking the rats' foraging task: fMRI activation and adaptation showing a speed-modulated six-fold rotational symmetry in running direction. The signal was found in a network of entorhinal/subicular, posterior and medial parietal, lateral temporal and medial prefrontal areas. The effect was strongest in right entorhinal cortex, and the coherence of the directional signal across entorhinal cortex correlated with spatial memory performance. Our study illustrates the potential power of combining single-unit electrophysiology with fMRI in systems neuroscience. Our results provide evidence for grid-cell-like representations in humans, and implicate a specific type of neural representation in a network of regions which supports spatial cognition and also autobiographical memory.
12:46 Posted in Virtual worlds | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: virtual reality, grid cells, human memory, research tools
Jan 09, 2010
Sense of agency primes manual motor responses
Sense of agency primes manual motor responses.
Perception. 2009;38(1):69-78
Authors: Longo MR, Haggard P
Perceiving the body influences how we perceive and respond to stimuli in the world. We investigated the respective effects of different components of bodily representation--the senses of ownership and agency--on responses to simple visual stimuli. Participants viewed a video image of their hand on a computer monitor presented either in real time, or with a systematic delay. Blocks began with an induction period in which the index finger was (i) brushed, (ii) passively moved, or (iii) actively moved by the participant. Subjective reports showed that the sense of ownership over the seen hand emerged with synchronous video, regardless of the type of induction, whereas the sense of agency over the hand emerged only following synchronous video with active movement. Following induction, participants responded as quickly as possible to the onset of visual stimuli near the hand by pressing a button with their other hand. Reaction time was significantly speeded when participants had a sense of agency over their seen hand. This effect was eliminated when participants responded vocally, suggesting that it reflects priming of manual responses, rather than enhanced stimulus detection. These results suggest that vision of one's own hand-and, specifically, the sense of agency over that hand-primes manual motor responses.
13:35 Posted in Telepresence & virtual presence | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: presence, telepresence, agency
An Adaptive Display for the Treatment of Diverse Trauma PTSD Victims
An Adaptive Display for the Treatment of Diverse Trauma PTSD Victims.
Cyberpsychol Behav. 2009 Dec 20;
Authors: Botella C, García-Palacios A, Guillen V, Baños RM, Quero S, Alcaniz M
Abstract Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after exposure to a terrifying event. People who suffer from PTSD experience hyperarousal and avoidance, and they reexperience symptoms that provoke distress and impairment in significant life areas. Cognitive behavior programs, including exposure therapy, are currently the treatment of choice for PTSD. Although these programs are effective, there is room for improvement; utilization of exposure therapy by clinicians is low, and attrition rates are high. Application of new technologies, especially virtual reality (VR), could help to overcome these issues. Several VR programs that address PTSD already exist. This study presents preliminary data on the efficacy of a VR adaptive display called EMMA's World, as applied in the treatment of diverse trauma PTSD victims. This VR program is unique; its flexibility allows it to be used to treat patients who suffer from PTSD due to different kinds of traumatic events. Results support the utility of EMMA's World in the treatment of PTSD.
13:25 Posted in Cybertherapy | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: cybertherapy, ptsd, virtual reality
Virtual reality for obsessive-compulsive disorder: past and the future
Virtual reality for obsessive-compulsive disorder: past and the future.
Psychiatry Investig. 2009 Sep;6(3):115-21
Authors: Kim K, Kim CH, Kim SY, Roh D, Kim SI
The use of computers, especially for virtual reality (VR), to understand, assess, and treat various mental health problems has been developed for the last decade, including application for phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficits, and schizophrenia. However, the number of VR tools addressing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is still lacking due to the heterogeneous symptoms of OCD and poor understanding of the relationship between VR and OCD. This article reviews the empirical literatures for VR tools in the future, which involve applications for both clinical work and experimental research in this area, including examining symptoms using VR according to OCD patients' individual symptoms, extending OCD research in the VR setting to also study behavioral and physiological correlations of the symptoms, and expanding the use of VR for OCD to cognitive-behavioral intervention.
13:23 Posted in Cybertherapy | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: virtual reality, cybertherapy
Simon's Cat 'Fly Guy'
A hungry cat resorts to increasingly desperate measures to catch a housefly.
13:21 Posted in Blue sky | Permalink | Comments (0)
Interface Fantasy - A Lacanian Cyborg Ontology
Cyberspace is first and foremost a mental space. Therefore we need to take a psychological approach to understand our experiences in it. In Interface Fantasy, André Nusselder uses the core psychoanalytic notion of fantasy to examine our relationship to computers and digital technology. Lacanian psychoanalysis considers fantasy to be an indispensable "screen" for our interaction with the outside world; Nusselder argues that, at the mental level, computer screens and other human-computer interfaces incorporate this function of fantasy: they mediate the real and the virtual.
Interface Fantasy illuminates our attachment to new media: why we love our devices; why we are fascinated by the images on their screens; and how it is possible that virtual images can provide physical pleasure. Nusselder puts such phenomena as avatars, role playing, cybersex, computer psychotherapy, and Internet addiction in the context of established psychoanalytic theory. The virtual identities we assume in virtual worlds, exemplified best by avatars consisting of both realistic and symbolic self-representations, illustrate the three orders that Lacan uses to analyze human reality: the imaginary, the symbolic, and the real.
Nusselder analyzes our most intimate involvement with information technology—the almost invisible, affective aspects of technology that have the greatest impact on our lives. Interface Fantasy lays the foundation for a new way of thinking that acknowledges the pivotal role of the screen in the current world of information. And it gives an intelligible overview of basic Lacanian principles (including fantasy, language, the virtual, the real, embodiment, and enjoyment) that shows their enormous relevance for understanding the current state of media technology.
Read more at MIT press.
13:14 Posted in Research tools | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: cyborg, cyberspace, psychoanalysis, lacan, mit
Photos: International Robot Exhibition 2009
Hundreds of robots have gathered at the International Robot Exhibition (IREX) held in November 2009 at Tokyo Big Sight. Here are a few photos from the event, collected by Pink Tentacle.
12:54 Posted in Positive Technology events | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: robotics, positive technology events
Jan 07, 2010
Why $0.00 is the future of business
In this video, Chris Anderson (chief editor of Wired) explains why giving your products for free is a winning strategy. The "freemium" (free+premium) approach enhances customers' expectations and their involvement in your work. Once you have gained the attention of customers, you can choose other approaches, i.e. selling higher-quality products or proposing better packages, in order to generate revenues.
19:21 Posted in Research tools | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: chris anderson, business, freemium
Sleep contribution to motor memory consolidation: a motor imagery study
Sleep contribution to motor memory consolidation: a motor imagery study.
Sleep. 2009 Dec 1;32(12):1559-65
Authors: Debarnot U, Creveaux T, Collet C, Doyon J, Guillot A
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Sleep is known to enhance performance following physical practice (PP) of a new sequence of movements. Apart from a pilot study, it is still unknown whether a similar sleep-dependent consolidation effect can be observed following motor imagery (MI) and whether this mnemonic process is related to MI speed. DESIGN: Counterbalanced within-subject design. SETTING: The laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-two participants. INTERVENTIONS: PP, real-time MI, fast MI, and NoSleep (control) groups. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Subjects practiced an explicitly known sequence of finger movements, and were assigned to PP, real-time MI, or fast MI, in which they intentionally imagined the sequence at a faster pace. A NoSleep group subjected to real-time MI, but without any intervening sleep, was also tested. Performance was evaluated before practice, as well as prior to, and after a night of sleep or a similar time interval during the daytime. Compared with the NoSleep group, the results revealed offline gains in performance after sleep in the PP, real-time MI, and fast MI groups. There was no correlation between a measure of underestimation of the time to imagine the motor sequence and the actual speed gains after sleep, neither between the ease/difficulty to form mental images and performance gains. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide evidence that sleep contributes to the consolidation of motor sequence learning acquired through MI and further suggests that offline delayed gains are not related to the MI content per se. They extend our previous findings and strongly confirm that performance enhancement following MI is sleep dependent.
18:52 Posted in Mental practice & mental simulation | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: motor imagery, sleep, memory consolidation
Dec 20, 2009
Head Chaise: Couching One's Thoughts into a Brain Wave Sofa
From Scientific American
Two European designers, Dries Verbruggen and Lucas Maassen used their alpha waves as a source of inspiration for their design work, which resulted in a piece of furniture, the Brain Wave Couch.
“The process is a wink to a rather futuristic design process,” the couch creators wrote in a press release, “for which a designer merely has to close his or her eyes, or merely rest, to have the brain do all the work, and create the data needed to have the CNC machine cut the shape of the sofa.”
The x-axis of the couch represents Maassen’s brain waves in hertz, while the y-axis shows the amount of alpha activity as a percentage, and the z-axis is the time in milliseconds. Once the foam core of the sofa was completed, the designers covered it by hand in soft gray felt and decorated the valleys of the brain waves with buttons.
The Brainwave Sofa was presented at the Bits ‘n Pieces Exhibition in New York.
20:44 Posted in Biofeedback & neurofeedback, Creativity and computers | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: brain-computer interface, neurofeedback, creativity