Feb 25, 2007
TANGO: The Next Generation of Assitive Communication Devices
Via Medgadget
A company called Blink Twice is developing a speech-generating device that promises to improve the way differently-abled children communicate with their world:
The tango! is an amazing communication aid that accomplishes all the amazing things you've seen in the emulation. It contains phrases, words, and spelling, all in easier-to-understand, digitally enhanced or synthesized voices. In a snap, it lets you create photo albums, do voice-morphing, and change icons using photos.The tango! is the first speech-generating device to bring the power of mass communications and consumer electronics to the world of AAC. It combines a broad array of communication methods, such as an intuitive language hierarchy, ingenious new icons, and easy-to-access pop-ups, with the vast power of consumer electronics - like a built-in camera and voice morphing, so individuals can better match their specific communication needs with the best features to achieve them.
12:35 Posted in Brain training & cognitive enhancement | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: assistive technology, enhanced cognition