Concrete Dialogues is a collaborative online writing project, created for young writers in Perth, Western Australia. The project organises the creative works of 16 to 30 year olds according to geographic location on a digital streetmap of the Perth Metropolitan region. Submissions are based on specific locations in the city and suburbs, which become hyperlinks across the digital map. The result is a psychogeographic portrait of our city–a mosaic of writing that uncovers the darker doorsteps of the intersections you know, the romances in the parks you drive past, the characters of the suburbs you can’t place. Concrete Dialogues is a rare opportunity for young writers in Perth. It is somewhere they can exhibit their work and come into contact with other writers. Follow the journey of other site users, create your own journey through the streets and short stories, or contribute your own writing about a school in Whitfords, a riverbank in Rossmoyne, a carpark in Darlington |
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