Dec 09, 2004
EMMA project
The main goal of EMMA project -a European Community funded research project (IST-2001-39192)- is to study the relationships between presence and emotions. In particular, after analyzing the possible emotional impact of high compelling synthetic experiences characterized by an high level of presence, the EMMA project wants to develop "mood devices" able to induce different forms of mood enhancement on both clinical and non clinical samples.

This research will help to understand better the development of some psychopathological phenomena and the development of "new correcting experiences and learnings" to cope those psychopathological experiences.
Furthermore, EMMA project will pretend the development of innovative tools to be used with three different real users:
* users of (real world) mental health services, such as treatment for anxiety disorders, depression, and so on
* users with acute restricted mobility (e.g. designed experiences for hospital inpatients), and
* mood enhancement for general population (relaxation environments through TV or VR).

This research will help to understand better the development of some psychopathological phenomena and the development of "new correcting experiences and learnings" to cope those psychopathological experiences.
Furthermore, EMMA project will pretend the development of innovative tools to be used with three different real users:
* users of (real world) mental health services, such as treatment for anxiety disorders, depression, and so on
* users with acute restricted mobility (e.g. designed experiences for hospital inpatients), and
* mood enhancement for general population (relaxation environments through TV or VR).
19:30 Posted in Cybertherapy | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Positive Technology, virtual reality, cybertherapy
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